Welcome to Iroquois High School, home of the Iroquois Braves. Iroquois High School is a small-sized suburban school, composed of grades 7 through 12, and has a present enrollment of 575 students. The building is divided into a junior high and a senior high school. Located between these wings are the school administration offices, the guidance counselors' offices, the library, and the school nurse's suite.

The Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School main office hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays during the school year. The office is located off of the Community Lobby.

A total of sixty-seven certified staff and support personnel serve the students of the high school. Breakdown consists of principal, assistant principal, nurse, two guidance counselors, two secretaries, two attendance clerks, five special needs aides, five special education instructors, and forty-seven subject instructors. Forty-four of the instructors have permanent certification and 23 instructors have post-master's degree credits. The total number of regular, special education, and technical instructors indicate that the majority of the staff assignments involve classroom teaching. Many of the instructors share teaching assignments across grade levels. Personnel stability is evident with the fact that 41.5% of the instructors started their teaching careers at the high school and have remained in the same position.

The high school Vocational Educational Program enrollment has grown. Presently, 15% of the students in grades 10-12 attend vocational classes at the Erie County Technical School. The school is a cooperative educational facility supported by eleven school districts in the immediate area.

The student population, 63% of whom are bused to school, is composed of 91% white, 5% black, 1.26% Hispanic, and 1% Asian and American Indian. Average class size is twenty-one students, but many of the electives offered have enrollments from ten to fifteen students. 47.66% of the students are on the free or reduced lunch program, a figure that continues to escalate each year.

Attendance records indicate that over the last three school years, daily student attendance has remained relatively stable. The highest rate was 94.7% while the lowest was 93.5%.

Withdrawals vary depending on the class of students studied. The average withdrawal rate is 14.8%, with the highest rate caused by transfers to schools outside the district, takes place in the seventh grade. In questionnaires received from present senior class members, 66% have indicated that they have resided in the district for more than seven years.

Despite what might be viewed as declining economic conditions, members of the senior class have indicated that 73.2% of them intend to continue their education in a college, university, business or technical institute. Only 25.6% will stop formal education upon graduation from high school. Additionally, in reference to occupational intentions, these same individuals have indicated that 50% intend to pursue professional occupations, 11% as skilled workers, and 0.9% intend to become homemakers.