November 23, 2020                             UPDATE

Iroquois School District is committed to providing access to nutritious meals to school students, and recent USDA waivers allow the district to continue to provide meals to students in person and via cyber learning seven days a week.

If your student attends in-person instruction at IHS or IES

Students attending school will receive their weekend meals at dismissal on Friday to take home. Please remind your child(ren) to pick up the meal bag at dismissal and bring it home. Please remember to put the food and milk into the refrigerator as soon as your student arrives home on Friday.

Students attending Iroquois Cyber Academy or
Students 18 and under who are not attending IHS or IES in-person 

Meals will be distributed on Tuesday, December 1st and Wednesday, December 2nd due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Meal distribution will resume on the regular Monday and Wednesday schedule the following week.

Meals are distributed to cyber learners and any students 18 and under on Mondays and Wednesdays. The details of meal distribution are noted below. Please look for updated information on the District website.

Bagged Breakfast & Lunch meals will be available for pickup from 10:00 to 10:30 am on Mondays and Wednesdays each week:

  • Iroquois Jr./Sr. High School – Pull up to the back circle driveway at the Community Lobby/Gym entrance
  • Iroquois Elementary School – Pull up to the District Office entrance parking lot off of Tyndall Avenue

Monday distribution will include breakfast and lunch for 3 days – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Wednesday distribution will include breakfast and lunch for 4 days – Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Parents and student drivers are to remain in their cars and staff will bring the meals to you.

Walkers may also be served. For your safety, please stay clear of the driving lanes. Students may not congregate at the site after meal pick-up.

Children DO NOT need to be present to pick up the meals ( temporary change to minimize potential exposure)

  • Number of meals given will be based on number of children in the household.
  • Open to any child 18 years & younger.
  • Do not have to attend Iroquois School District.

We need your help to estimate the demand for meals at the distribution sites. If you would like to pick up meals for children 18 & under on the distribution dates, please complete this short survey so that our food service team can have enough meals prepared.

Thank you!

Questions? Please contact Alexis Buck, 814-899-7643 ext. 1509